Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ARCH 1201 - Final Model ( Kings Street Gallery )

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Final Model (King Street Gallery)

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Final Drawings (Kings Street Gallery)

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Final Geometrical Shape for Final Design

With the final form still undecided I went to Google Sketchup in order to create an attractive form that meets all the design criterias. I finally came up with 3 triangular prisms showing the 3 elements in which my going work with in my building. Oceanscape Landscape and Desertscape.
The facade is also facing the road covering all the back area so that the customers will not be able to predict the interior of the gallery for it is a journey through nature. The sun will also be able to shine on the courtyard in the middle of the building giving life to nature.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Working Model with change in geometry and composition

With the form in shape I need to test out the new composition and circulation so that I can continue with the design. I created a 1:200 working model to visualise the circulation of the building and the form in a real life format. With the ends having ortogonal shapes it is suggested that I replace so that all geometry within the site is designed to resemble a triangle.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Development with change in geometry and composition

With the dull exterior and necessary exterior space in order for more sunlight I have looked into strategies to change the exterior form of the building so that it covers the front facade and opens up at the back so that it could bring in natural sunlight and I need the form to be so that it resembles nature in a way. Through different research and experimentation triangular form is best because it coveys the idea of topography and landscape.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Sketchup Visualisation of the design

I have created a Google Sketchup model in order to visual the whole space. With detailled been added to this model it is confirmed that everything will be able to fit together. With the model it is also possible to test the lighting of the space to make sure sufficient natural light will be able to beam the gallery.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Initial Ideas with consideration and calculation

The first design of the whole building contains a zig zag circulation like walking through a forrest where people were denied from walking in a straight line. Also with the use of the momental skylight it will act as the sun beaming down light for the nature that is contained within this building.

Duncan Chang

Monday, June 15, 2009

ARCH 1201 - Site Analysis

With photos and more detailled observation of the site it is possible to further design my building in regards to the newton atmosphere. With the Sun coming from behind the site it will be necessary to draw as much of the light as possible and also utilise the large shop front to draw as many people into the buidling as possible.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1201 - Initial Sketchup Model

The google sketchup model helped visual space in a three dimensional manner. I tried to recreate the example of the Holocaust museum and incorporate it into my site. The momentality embedded within the design shows the power of mother nature.

Duncan Chang

Sunday, June 14, 2009

ARCH 1201 - Initial Working Model

The start of designing for this project was through circulation design. With the site been very narrow it is difficult to have circulation that doesnt stack upon itself and seem repeatative as my theme of this gallery "nature" nothing is repeatative and nothing is predictable therefore I will try to incorporate that into my circulation design.

Duncan Chang