Sunday, May 10, 2009

ARCH 1201 - Inspirational Architecture (House of Spiritual Retreat)

The spiritual retreat really caught my eye when it offers a delusional view when you view the building from a distance. From a distance it seems the building is cube but as you get closer you start to realise that only 2 faces of the cube actually existed.

The doorway in the intersection of the vertical planes opens up a imaginary portal. Even though it is just a walkway to the other side because of the mentality that the building is a monalithic cube one would imagine that it will lead to an interior space however instead it lead to a interior like exterior space. You will be able to view the scenery behind the buidling however you will still have side walls. So it is like a walkway to a whole new world which is escaping you could say reality.

At night from a distance the building is like a white spot glowing in the distance. It almost seem like a delusional and extra terrestial space. It almost will attract anyones attention in the dark. In relation to my narrative you almost see the person himself visiting the place as it shows signs of civilisation due to the light.

The landscape beside the house is similar to that of in my narrative. Being isolated it has an even greater of an impact than if it was in the middle of a city.

Duncan Chang

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